I’m thrilled you’ve stumbled into my blog (btw - It’s not by chance). You’ll find me here sharing stories from my journey that I hope ignite, and inspire you, on yours.

I’ve got plenty of lessons on leading, and following. As well as a few bumps and scars to show for it. Current messes and triumphs will take center stage.  You’ll hear all about my journey through grief, and finding joy again, as well as how I found courage to make some seriously big leaps in life.


Those leaps include but are not limited to moving from… 

Music director in a church, to building a scrappy real estate business door-to-door, and now leading a multi-million-dollar revenue company. 

From two-times homeless to single-lady homeowner. 

From dogmatically religious to spiritually free. 

From a 16-year functional yet misaligned marriage, to self-aligned, joy-filled singlehood for the first time ever. 

It’s. Been. A. Journey. 

While there have been many external changes, the newness goes much deeper than what you see on the surface. Those decisions were ultimately a result of finding the bravery to connect with who I am at the core. That was where transformation began. And it is where it will continue. 

And once I get proper approval, I’ll share all about the people who have held up mirrors for me to see all the things.

Light. Shadow. Beauty. Beast. Strength, Femininity. 

Without them, there’s no way on earth I’d be here. We need each other. 

As I hold up my mirror, I hope this is a space where you feel safe to grasp yourself wholly. I believe you’ll discover who you are at your core. Learning what aspects you’ll choose to release, and which flames you’ll fan. 

Finding courage at your crossroads, and joy as you rediscover yourself. 


Rising again. New, soft, strong, and lovely as hell.
xoxo, jen


love, courage, freedom, joy

These are not words I will get tattooed on my lower back (fun fact, I’m tattoo-less … for now). However, they are words plastered all over this blog and you may be asking why, or maybe you’re not, but either way, I’m ‘bout to tell you things about these words.


When I stop to consider the most important values in my life, these four are the at the surface right now. And I make decisions through this framework. I check myself often with them.



Why’d I start with this one? It’s so tough to put into words. Lemme give it a shot. Love is universal. It’s what connects us all to one another. Love is free of everything else. Free of fear, malice, anger, regret, judgement. I believe when our time on earth is done, Love will be all there is. For now, we’re connected to the Source of Love. At our very best, we are Love. And then of course there’s our human ways of expressing love. I’ll talk about that too, but mostly I mean Love with a capital “L.” It feels lofty at times, my hope is to operate from a place of Love as much as humanly possible. I fall short. Every. Single. Day. But I’m going to keep focused on it.



Taking risk is one thing. Yes, that takes courage. But listen, once you take a risk and you fail… Or you hear “no” enough times, you learn it’s not the worst thing in the world. In fact that’s often where the greatest treasures are. That’s not where courage really rings true for me. It took every ounce of strength and courage I had to face me. To be honest with myself about my pains, regrets,and shortcomings. It took courage to let my defenses down, to be vulnerable, to let others see those things that I want to shield and keep the strong-lady bitch-boss vibe going. The most courageous thing to me, is vulnerability first with self, and then with others.



I have been bound, mostly by myself. By my mind and limiting beliefs that have held me back. I’ve also felt trapped. Unsure of what direction to go, or like if I made the wrong decision I’d be ruined. Or I’d ruin someone else. And then I learned after some toil, I am always free. We always have choice. Even when we can’t see the option, it’s there. And it’ll all be ok. It’ll be more than ok. These days, I remind myself of what it feels like to be fully free from judgment, limits, and anything else that can weigh down. We are free now.



For me, Joy hits at the core. Literally... I can feel it In my chest. It often makes me tear up. Sometimes it’s a simple knowing that I am connected to Love. It’s a swelling of my heart. And other times, it can be the smallest things that trigger a moment of joy. The sound of a bird, good food to eat, walking in the door to noisy kiddos. In those moments it’s tied to gratitude of the simple things. And sometimes It’s not the little things, it’s the moment I catch myself remembering that I’ve walked through fiery hell and come out brighter and stronger. But it’s different than happy. Or content. It’s consuming and overwhelming. It’s brilliant and magic.







Shoot me an email. let’s get in touch!