More yes, please.



Rightly so, we’ve focused so long on what we must say no to. We’ve protected ourselves, guarded our energy, our love, our time, and our resources.

But unknowingly, we’ve said no to a multitude of good things as an unintended consequence of our boundary setting.  

Pause and consider, what is it that you want more of in your life? What have you resisted because you have a deep-seated belief that you’re not worthy of a “yes” to that opportunity? That lover. That journey. Where has your heart grown numb? 

For those who prefer to be the giver, and those who are accustomed to being in control, “yes” is intimidating, scary, and vulnerable. Because yes means we must receive.

Remember… there is joy, healing, and immense power in your surrender. And all of that lives in a “yes” to something.

Yes, to space.

Yes, to love.

Yes, to connection.

Yes, to laughter.

Yes, to light.

Yes, to brave new opportunities.

Yes, to a slow rainy morning with coffee.

Yes, to adventure.

Yes, to trying new things.  

Yes, to a heart cracked wide open.

Darling, you’ve done well enough to say no for all this time. Now, what is it that your heart and soul long to allow in? What is the leap into the unknown you’re afraid of? What vulnerability will soften your core?

Let your “yes” crack you open so that all your goodness, light, and pure power ooze from every molecule of your being.


Your yes is where your miracle resides.

Your yes is someone else’s miracle too.

Remember this world needs all of you. Your best is at your core. Your heart center. Your best and greatest gift is in your “yes” to something.

Now, name it. What is your “yes?”

xo Jen


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Be. Limitless.